Listen to our: Holiness Series, Unwavering Women - Studies in 1st Peter, Doing Life God's Way, Women of the Bible, Ten Commandments, Relationships. Hear from Karyn Johnson-Founder and Director of the House of Ruth, Janie Alfred, Debbi Bryson-Director of the Bible Bus Stop, and several testimonies.

Written Studies

At the Feet of Jesus
This Bible Study is in the Gospel of John, chapters 13-17. We will be spending time in the Upper Room with Jesus and His disciples, taking in the powerful teaching from these rich messages that Jesus shared with His followers in the final hours before His arrest and crucifixion. We are calling this series, "At the Feet of Jesus" as that is where we will spend our time together.
John 13:1-17 - Part 1 | Diane B.
John 13:18-38 - Part 2 | Beverly C.
John 14:1-14 - Part 3 | Notes | Audio | Diane C.
John 14:15-31 - Part 4 | Nicole M.
John 15:1-17 - Part 5 | Notes | Audio | Judy L.

The Heart of Prayer, Intimacy and Simplicity
Introduction | Nicole
Matthew 6:5-8 “The Heart of Prayer - Part 1” | Beverly C.
Matthew 6:9 “The Heart of Prayer - Part 2” | Hallowed Names of God” | Judy
Matthew 6:10 “The Heart of Prayer - Part 3” | Nicole
Matthew 6:11-12 “The Heart of Prayer - Part 4” | Nicole
Matthew 6:13 “The Heart of Prayer- Part 5” | Adrienne

Be Encouraged, Jesus is Coming - 1 & 2 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians Chapter 1 Introduction | Diane B.
1 Thessalonians Chapter 1 | Diane B.
1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 - Paul’s Labor of Love | Nicole M.
1 Thessalonians Chapter 3 | Jane G.
1 Thessalonians Chapter 4:1-12 | Beverly C.
1 Thessalonians Chapter 4:13-5:11 | Diane C.
1 Thessalonians Chapter 5:12-28 - Paul's Closing Thoughts | Shirley R.
2 Thessalonians 1:1-5 - An Encouragement to Faithfulness… | Nicole M.
2 Thessalonians 1:6-12 | Janice B.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 - The Great Departure | Adrienne C.
2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 | Diane C.
2 Thessalonians 3:1-12 - Paul’s Concern For The Church Part 1 | Judy L.
2 Thessalonians 3:13-18 - Paul’s Concern For The Church -Part 2 | Judy L.

Knowing our Spiritual Gifts
Introduction to Gifts of the Holy Spirit | Diane C.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit Part 1 | Adrienne C.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit Part 2 | Diane B.

Walking in The Spirit A study of Acts 1-12
Introduction and Chapter 1 | Diane B.
Day of Pentecost - Chapter 2 | Diane C.
Walking in the Spirit - Chapter 3 | Beth W.
Walking in the Spirit - Chapter 4 | Jane G.
Walking in the Spirit - Chapter 4:32-5:42 | Nicole M.
Chosen To Serve By The Holy Spirit - Chapter 6:1-7 | Judy L.
Stephen’s Witness by the Holy Spirit | Adrienne C.
Walking in the Spirit - Chapter 8 | Beverly C.
Walking in the Spirit - Chapter 10 | Donna R.
Walking in the Spirit - Chapter 11 | Diane C.

To the Ends of the Earth
A study of Acts 12-28
To the Ends of the Earth - Chapter 12 | Judy L.
To the Ends of the Earth - Chapter 13 | Nicole M.
To the Ends of the Earth - Chapter 14 | Shirley R.
To the Ends of the Earth - Chapter 15 | Diane B.
Paul's Third Missionary Journey - Chapters 18:23-21:14 | Donna R.
Paul in Jerusalem and Caesarea - Chapters 21:15 – 26:32 | Beth W.
To the Ends of the Earth - Chapters 27 & 28 | Diane C.

Walking in Grace…
Devotional Bible Studies from the Book of Galatians

Galatians 1 - The Gospel and Grace | Beverly C.
Galatians 2 - Grace and Ministry | Adrienne C.
Galatians 3 - Grace and the Law Part 1 | Diane B.
Galatians 4 - Grace and the Law Part 2 | Janice B.
Galatians 5:1-15 - Grace and the Christian Life Part 1 | Diane C.
Galatians 5:16 -26 - Grace and the Christian Life Part 2 | Judy L.
Galatians 6 - Grace and the Christian Life Part 3 | Nicole M.

End of Summer Women’s Conference - 2022 | Tonya Nevarez

The Heart of a Disciple
Be-Attitudes ♡ Our Attitudes

♡ Our Attitudes Towards God | Matthew 5:1-6 | Nicole McLeod
♡ Our Attitudes Towards People | Matthew 5:7-12 | Nicole McLeod
♡ Our Attitudes Towards Lost Souls | Matthew 5:13-16 | Diane Caston

Walking with Jesus
Devotional Bible Studies from the Gospel of Luke
The Consolation of Israel | Luke 1-2 | Diane Barstow
Man of the Tombs | Luke 6-8 | Donna Reimer
The Transfiguration | Luke 9 | Nicole McLeod
Sisters, Sisters | Luke 10 | Diane Barstow
Jesus teaches on Prayer | Luke 11 | Janice Brandli
Do Not Worry | Luke 12 | Judy Laredo
Walking in the Spirit | Luke 13-15 | Margie Green
The Prodigal Son | Luke 15-19 | Adrienne Crist
Communion Message | Janice Brandli
Approaching the Finish Line | Luke 21 | Diane Caston
His Presence- His Power- His Peace | Luke 23-24 | Susie Carr

Walking in Love
Because God First Loved Us | 1 John 4:7-21 | Nicole McLeod
The Greatest Commandment, Love | Mark 12:28-34 | Diane Caston
The Character of Love | 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, 16:14 | Adrienne Crist
Loving like God Loves us... Even our Enemies | Matthew 5:43-48 | Nicole McLeod
The Clothing of Love | Colossians 3:12-17 | Donna Reimer
Abiding in Christ | John 15:1-10 | Diane Caston
Love is the Proof | John 13 | Diane Barstow

Summer of Hope - Jesus Christ… is our Blessed Hope
Christ in You, the Hope of Glory | Col. 1:27-29 | Jane Grivjak
Hope for the Future | Jer. 29:11 | Adrienne Crist
Hope in God’s Unchanging Nature | Exodus 34:6 | Nicole McLeod
Praying for the Lost | 1 & 2 Timothy | Susan Nero
Hope By the Power of the Holy Spirit | Romans 15:13 | Susan Nero
Looking For Our Blessed Hope - It's a Mystery | 1 Corinthians 15:51 | Diane Caston
Looking For Our Blessed Hope - The Last Days | Titus 2:13 | Diane Caston

"Exalting Jesus” … our Great High Priest, Intercessor and Perfect Savior as revealed in the book of Hebrews
Jesus, God's Own Son | Hebrews 1:1-4 | Nicole McLeod
The Leader of Our Salvation | Hebrews 2:5-3:6 | Diane Barstow
Our Promised Rest | Hebrews 3:7-4:13 | Jeri Young
Our Great High Priest | Hebrews 4:14-5:11 | Diane Caston
Our Melchizedek | Hebrews 7:1-28 | Diane Barstow
Our Perfect Savior | Hebrews 8:1-9:28 | Adrienne Crist
The Living Way | Hebrews 10:1-39 | Susan Nero
Confident Living by Faith | Hebrews 11:1-3 | Diane Caston
The Heroes of our Faith | Hebrews 11:1- 40 | Diane Caston
Enoch Pleased God | Hebrews 11:5-6, Genesis 5:21-24 | Diane Barstow
Noah's Faith | Hebrews 11:7 | Jeri Young
Faith in the Faithfulness of God - Sarah's Story | Hebrews 11:11-12 | Nicole McLeod
Faith and the Pilgrim Spirit | Hebrews 11:13-16 | Jane Grivjak
By Faith Moses | Hebrews 11:23-29 | Diane Barstow
Rahab, Faith and the Holy Spirit | Hebrews 11:30-31 | Susan Nero
Faith that Overcomes | Hebrews 11:32-40 | Diane Caston
Finishing Strong in the Power of the Holy Spirit | Hebrews 12:1-2 | Nicole McLeod
Author & Finisher of our Faith | Hebrews 12-13 | Audio | Jane Grivjak

Growing in the Awareness of God’s Presence
Psalm 46 | Susan Nero
His Presence In The New Testament: Immanuel | Susan Nero
Mosaic Covenant | Susan Nero
The First Witness - Jesus On The Road to Emmaus | Audio | Susan Nero
His Presence in the Churches Today | Susan Nero

Promises of God That See Us Through
The Promise of the Power of the Holy Spirit | Susan Nero
God’s Precious and Powerful Promises | Jane Grivjak
Ezekiel 36:26-27 | Donna Rude
God’s promise of sufficient grace and power | Nicole McLeod
W.A.I.T. on the Lord | Nicole McLeod
Promise of God | Tonya Nevarez
Lamentations 3 | Diane Caston

The Helper
Introducing the Helper | Susan Nero
Intimate Relationship with the Holy Spirit | Susan Nero
How the Helper Meets My Everyday Needs | Diane Barstow
Forgotten God, An Observation | Sharon McVey Rude
He Provides a Personal Relationship with the Father, Son and Himself | Denise Davis
The Sealing, Filling and Evidence of Him in Your Life | Diane Caston

The Fruit of the Spirit
The Fruit of Self-Control (Self Discipline) | Susan Nero
Fruits of the Spirit – Peace | Diane Caston
The Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness | Nicole McLeod
Fruits of the Spirit – Patience: The Four Manifestations of this Fruit | Jane Grivjak
Fruits of the Spirit – Gentleness | Diane Caston
Fruits of the Spirit – Faith, the Fruit of Love | Jeri Young

Israel Study | Diane Caston

The Widow and the Judge | Luke 18:1-8 | Jeri Young
Luke 15:1-32 | Janice Brandli
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares | Jane Grivjack
Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins | Diane Caston
Parable of the Sower | Diane Caston

Lord Hear our Prayers
Job: An Example of Priestly Prayer and Intercession | Job 1:1-5 | Jane Grivjack
The Prayer of Exigent Circumstances | Diane Barstow
Devotional Prayer | Daniel 9 | Nicole McLeod
Solomon’s Prayer | 1 Kings 8:22-61 | Adrienne Crist
But Our Eyes are on You - Jehoshaphat’s Prayer | 2 Chronicles 20 | Nicole McLeod
The Lord's Prayer | Matthew 6:9-13 & Luke 11:2-4 | Janice Brandli
Show Me Your Glory | Diane Caston

Easter Message | John 17:1-26 | Jeri Young
Habakkuk’s Burden | Habakkuk 1-3 | Jane Grivjack

Letter to Ephesus: Revelation 2:1-7 | Jane Grivjack
The Church of the Laodiceans | Diane Caston
The Church of Thyatira | Jeri Young
Church of Smyrna | Janice Brandli
The Faithful Church | Nicole McLeod Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesians | Diane Caston

Meet Me in the Psalms
Introduction to the Psalms, Psalm 1 | Nicole Mcleod
Psalm 5 | Diane Caston
Psalm 8 | Donna Rude
Psalm 19 | Nicole McLeod
Psalm 27 | Diane Caston
Psalm 25 | Susan Nero
Psalm 37 | Jane Grivjack
Psalm 90 | Susan Nero
Psalm 145 | Donna Rude
Psalms 42, 43Diane Barstow

Spectacle of Glory - A Spectacle of Weakness | Donna Rude
Ruth 2: 1-12Adrienne Crist
1st John 2 - Christ Is Our Advocate
| Jeri Young
That I May Know Him as Lord | Jeri Young
I Am the Resurrection and the Life | Donna Rude
Philippians 2:1-11 - UnityAdrienne Crist
Alive in Him - Colossians2:11-23
Devotional Study in Philipians 4:1-9 | Sharon Rude
Partakers of the Divine Nature | Diane Barstow
Jonah | Jeri Young
Intimate Relationship with the Holy Spirit | Susan Nero

Drawing our Strength from the Names of God
Hallowed Be Thy Name | Nicole McLeod
The God Who Sees-EL ROI | Donna Rude
Jehovah Tsidkenu - The Lord our Righteousness | Diane Caston
I AM the Alpha & the Omega | Diane Caston
I Am the Door | Diane Caston

Women's Christmas Dessert Event Glad Tidings of Great Joy | Adrienne Crist

Women’s One Day Conference - 2022

Audio Studies

Spectacle of Glory

Counter Cultural Freaks | Jane Grivjack
Spectacle in Weakness | Donna Rude
Please Show Me Your Glory | Diane Caston
The Spectacle of the Cross | Tanya Nevarez | Communion with Gina Ross

Persevering Through Life's Difficulties

CCAG Women's Conference - May 3rd, 2014

Session 1 Gail Mays
Session 2 Gail Mays
Session 3 Gail Mays

Calvary Chapel Arroyo Grande Women's Brunch

The Mercy and Grace of Motherhood Susie Carr

Note from Sharon:
Pam's study on Seasons in our lives is very emotional, I cried and I laughed with her. What she shared reached right down into the very depth of my heart. I don't think we realize our lives can be compared to Seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. After listening to Pam, You will walk away with an entirely different view on your life's experiences and you will be rejoicing.

CCAG Women's Candlelight Dinner

Changes Pam Roberts

August 27th, 2012

The Beatitudes Gaylene Cook

Christmas Bible Study

The Prince of Peace Gayle Barry

Exalted - CCAG Fall 2011 Women's Retreat

The Tearing Down of High Places Susie Carr
Devotions Shauna Shepard
Change Jane Grivjack
Devotions Rachel Ramirez
God's Promises Diane Barstow

Holiness Series

Holiness The Fruit of Brotherly Love Part 1 Jane Grivjack
Holiness Fruits of Brotherly Love and Kindess Part 2 Jane Grivjack
Holiness Gods Part and Our Responsibility Jane Grivjack
Holiness Purity of Heart Dawn Leone
Holiness The Fruit of Self Control Rebecca Brown
Holiness The Fruit of the Spirit Debbie Tucker
Holiness Why it is ImportantJane Grivack
Holiness Willingness to turn from Sin Rebecca Brown
Spiritual Mindedness Adrienne Crist
Agreement with the Mind of God Nicole McLeod
Christlikeness Adrienne Crist
Entering His Rest Susie Carr

Unwavering Women - Studies in 1st Peter

A Gentle Quiet Spirt Adrienne Crist
Abstaining from lusts Rebecca Brown
Arm Yourself Jane Grivjack
Conduct in Suffering Adrienne Crist
Desire the Pure Milk of the Word Diane Barstow
Faith that Glorifies GodAdrienne Crist
Fervent Love Hospitality Diane Barstow
God will Mature Us Jane Grivjack
Humility will cast your care upon Him Jennie Power
Love One Another Diane Barstow
Our Living Hope Nicole McLeod
Serving Willingly Rebecca Brown
Submission to the Law and Your witnessNicole Mcleod
The End is at HandJane Grivjack
Trials as a Christian Woman in Faith Jennie Power
Understanding Spiritual Warfare Susan Nero
Unity Humility and the TongueAdrienne Crist
Using Your Gifts to Benefit One Another Adrienne Crist
Walking in Holiness Barbie Laney
Spiritual Sacrifices Rebecca Brown

Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments 1 Love the LordDiane Caston
Ten Commandments 2 Make No IdolsDiane Barstow
Ten Commandments 3 Gods name in Vain Barbie Laney
Ten Commandments 4 Keep the Sabbath Dawn Leone
Ten Commandments 5 Honor Your Parents Nicole McLeod
Ten Commandments 6 Do Not MurderMegan Caston
Ten Commandments 7 Do Not Commit AdulteryAdrienne Crist
Ten Commandments 8 Do Not Steal Susie Carr
Ten Commandments 9 Do Not Bear False WitnessRebecca Brown


RelationshipsSusie Carr Womens Retreat 2006
Romans - Gods design for Relationships Susie Carr
Gods Design for relationshipWomens Retreat Susie Carr

Karyn Johnson-Founder and Director of the House of Ruth

Relationships Part 1 Karyn Johnson
Relationships Part 2 Karyn Johnson
Relationships Part 3 Karyn Johnson
Relationships Part 4Karyn Johnson

Janie Alfred

Philippians 4:4-7 Janie Alfred
Philippians 4:8-13Janie Alfred

Doing Life God's Way

God's Way For A Faithful Wife Part 1Rebecca Brown
God's Way For A Woman Part 2Jane Grivjack
God's Way For The Faithful Wife Part 2 Submission Debbie Tucker
God's Way For Women Susie Carr
God's Way For Your Children Dawn Leone
God's Way For Your Children Part 2Diane Caston
God's Way For Your Conduct Nicole McLeod
God's Way in the WorkplaceDiane Caston
God's Way - Time and Money ManagementJane Grivack

Women of the Bible

Mary a Woman of DevotionMegan Caston
Mary - Mother of JesusDiane Caston
Women of the Bible - Eve Susie Carr
Women of the Bible - Rahab, A Woman Who ChoseDiane Barstow
Women of the Bible - EstherJane Grivack
Women of the Bible - Hannah Nicole McLeod
Women of the Bible - Leah, A Woman Unloved
Women of the Bible - The Shunammite Woman Adrienne Crist
Women of the Bible - Samaritan Woman of Repentance Nicole McLeod
Women of the Bible RuthDiane Caston


Debi Bryson-Director of the Bible Bus Stop
A Time for Renewal Part 1Debi Bryson
A Time for Renewal Part 2aDebi Bryson.
A Time for Renewal Part 2bDebi Bryson
A Time for Renewal Part 3Debi Bryson

Suffering Elizabeth Elliot Widow of Jim Elliot martyred missionary to Ecuador
From Darkness Into Light Sharon McVey Rude
My Testimony Debbie Tucker - Missionary to Belize
Prodigal Daughter Rachel Ramirez
Thinking of Jesus Then and Now Gayle Barry wife of Bill Barry associate Pastor of Calvary Chapel Arroyo Grande, California
Testimony Susie Carr

Kwave Interview

Sharon was interviewed by Dan Wooding of KWave and it was aired on September 4th on KWVE, and on other Calvary Chapel stations across the US.

You can also listen to the recorded interview here.