OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME: His Name: He is the Becoming One, He is the Author and Perfector of our faith, He is the All-Sufficient One, the Creator of all things.
He is the Bright and Morning Star, the Renewer of Life. He is Savior, our blessed Redeemer, the Good Shepherd, the Door, the Light of the world, the True Vine, the Bread of Life, and Fountain of Living Waters. He is our Shield, our Rock, our Advocate, our Comforter, our Teacher (Adonai), our Anchor and our Rest. He is Ancient of Days, a Jealous God, a Consuming Fire, and God our Avenger.
He is the First born of the dead, and the last Adam, the Root of Jesse and the Offspring of David, He is the Consolation of Israel, the Branch, the King Eternal, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. He is King of kings, King of the Jews, and He is King of the Nations. He is the Lord of lords, the Lord of Glory, and He is the Lord our Righteousness. He is Immanuel, God our Provider, and God our Banner. He is Mighty in Battle, our Lawgiver and Judge, He is our Great High Priest, the Lord of Sabaoth, the Lord of the Harvest, and our Prince of Peace.
He is the Rose of Sharon, the Beloved Son, the Horn of Salvation, the Anointed One. He is the Image of God, the Cornerstone, the Holy One of Israel, Ruler, Mediator, Shiloh, our Intercessor, the Everlasting God, the Almighty.
He is Christ, the Chosen One, Man of sorrows, the Seed of Woman, our Passover. He is the Holy One of God, the Living God, the Son of God, the God Most High, Prophet. He is the Commander of Lord's army, the God who Sees, the God who Hears, the God who Heals, the God who Forgives, and the God who Sanctifies.
He is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, the One True God, Messiah. He is the God Who was and the God Who is, the All-Powerful, Mighty God who alone is Sovereign and Wise, Faithful and True, Trustworthy and Good, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Resurrection, the Lover of our souls, our Merciful God, our Sanctuary. He is the Self Existent One, our Defender, our Father in Heaven, Mighty Creator, and the LORD of Hosts.
He is the One who goes before us, the God Who's There, our Forerunner, who will never leave us, nor forsake us. He is our Refuge, our Fortress, our Hiding Place, and our Sure Foundation. He is our Potter, our Helper, our Deliverer, our Strong Tower.
He is the Son of David, and the Son of Man, He is the Lamb of God, and the great I AM. You are the Perfect Sacrifice, the Lion of Judah, the Word of God, the Wisdom of God, our Master. He is Immutable, our All-in-All, He is our everything, He Transcend all things, He is Heir of all things, and He is before all things. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, He is our exceedingly Great Reward, our Bridegroom. He is our ABBA, the One who is to come, Yahweh, the Only Begotten Son, The Amen.
God is love and He is Holy, Holy, Holy. His grace is sufficient, His love has no bounds, His mercies are new every morning. He redeemed our lives from destruction and crowns us with lovingkindness, and His compassions fail not. He is the Name above all names. Yeshua HaMashiach! JESUS! The Living Word of God.
Hallowed be Your name. "O LORD, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:9