By Sharon McVey Rude
As I sit here coffee in hand and my Bible on my lap, I’m reading and learning about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I read in the book “Forgotten God”, where it says “Why don’t I feel the Holy Spirit in me?” that instantly touched me as I feel the same way, why don’t I feel His presence? I desperately want to serve Him, how does a person feel when the Spirit is indwelling in them? Good question!
Fear. I’ve asked the Spirit several times to indwell in me, I know He has but I have a little problem. I’m afraid He might ask me to street witness. I don’t want to street witness! I love the missions field, I love teaching, sharing God’s love, I’ve written a book on His love and ultimate crucifixion. Is that the problem?
Probably not, I don’t think the Spirit will place me where I’m uncomfortable, on the other hand He just might change my view on street witnessing.
The book Forgotten God, was penned by Francis Chan, he has written books on the Holy Spirit being left out of many churches. I was raised in a church, which in my memory, never mentioned the Spirit. It wasn’t until I accepted Jesus as my Savior that I heard about Him, it has taken me a long time to fully understand what the Spirit is about, that’s my loss.
When I read about grieving the Spirit, I’m ashamed, as countless times I know I’ve grieved Him. Forgiveness, that’s what the Spirit is about. He is willing to forgive us through Jesus Christ. We don’t have to keep reminding ourselves about our past sins, there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
We need to grasp that and let go.
The Holy Spirit does incredible things in the lives of His children. But what if you’re not seeing His action and power in your life? Don’t be discouraged. Remember that it’s impossible for you to do anything on your own. That’s actually the point—it’s impossible for you, and that’s why God sent us the Spirit.
(Quoted from Francis Chan).
The Spirit is our comforter, I’ve read and heard that from the very beginning of receiving Jesus as my Savior; sometimes I’m a little slow, as I read and learned about the gifts, I kept thinking what about my comforter, where am I being comforted?
For one of many ways, have you wanted to pray deeply for someone or something and words just don’t come, the Spirit intercedes and prays for us, what a blessing that is. I have many friends that when they pray their prayers are so eloquent; I’m envious, hopefully that’s a good envy, as I so desperately want to pray that way. The Spirit will take over for us and His prayers are even more eloquent. There’s comfort in that.
There are many other times as in, keeping us from harm, how many times have we had a close call when driving a car and we just missed a head on collision.
Another way we are comforted in through our health. I personally have more than once came close to dying, from cancer and low sodium. I learned the hard way how serious sodium is in our bodies.
He comforts us in pain and tragedy, losing a loved one. He educates us, teaching us God’s ways.
He brings our sins to the surface and helps us pray for forgiveness.
He is God, He and the Father are one, this is something to really think about, our God is here on earth working to bring us into His saving grace.
First, He created the earth, then He created man, Satan deceives man, God became man and came to earth to die for our sins to undo the terrible damage satan has done. Then He sends the Holy Spirit to guide and help us. That’s an incredible amount of love and work for so many who either respond or reject His love. If a person would think of all that God did for us wouldn’t it make sense to literally rethink His entire work from beginning to end and accept His offer of salvation? He loves us so much He wants us to spend eternity in Heaven with Him. Being in heaven with God was the original purpose of creation.
From a viewpoint of an unsaved mind, how did the earth come about? Studying what the earth is composed of is mind boggling, the universe, the stars, the moon and sun then, the creation of man, look into the science of the body the intricacies, the functionality of each organ, these didn’t just happen. Our mind is a mystery in itself, there’s a gray matter in our head, the brain, with that there has been no end to what the common man can develop. These are God given gifts just for us.
Psalm 139:13-16 says
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, as yet there was none of them."
Why are there so many churches that refuse to teach and share the Holy Spirit? It’s not only sad but tragic, a church without the Spirit is basically a non-functioning church, even though they seem to have large congregations. Many people enjoy the social activities, and the teaching of a feel-good sermon. I’ve recently heard of heretical teaching that Jesus is not required to get into heaven, just enjoy life and be a good person. This type of teaching will cause many to lose their salvation. Jesus died a horrific death on the cross for one purpose: that we could spend eternity in heaven with Him. That’s the sermon that should be shared.
Maybe hearing the word salvation so many times, the meaning has been watered down in some minds. There’s no fear, should we be sharing where a lost soul will be spending eternity? It’s a subject not too many want to hear about. Some refuse to believe there is such a place, but there is such a place, originally created for satan and his fallen angels.
A few years ago I worked in a company I loved, it was quite large, the President was a caring and wonderful man, everyone loved him, he was fair and always concerned over the personnel who worked there. I was in his office one day and started to share Jesus with him, he listened to every word, then said "I’m one up on you, I don’t believe in God." I was shocked, how could someone with such love for his fellow-man not believe in God. More deception, it was his personal choice. I’ve never forgotten him, I prayed that before he died he came to the saving grace of our Lord.
The Holy Spirit was sent here after Jesus died for the purpose of bringing us to Jesus, to help us in our daily walk with Jesus, He is wooing us with His love, the love of the Father, He is our Helper. He should be the center of our church’s, but He isn’t that’s why He is the “Forgotten God”.
Sharon Leigh Rude