At Lifeline Crisis Pregnancy Center their mission, as a non-profit Christian ministry, is to:
1. Share the love of Jesus with women facing crisis pregnancies
2. Offer real and tangible support for alternatives to abortion
3. Teach abstinence-based health education
4. Provide Biblical mentoring for those seeking Christ's healing and restoration from past abortions


Maria Estrada


Most young women facing crisis pregnancies don't want to abort their babies. . .they think it is their only choice. By offering free pregnancy testing, we have an incredible opportunity to find out why our abortion-minded clients think they have to choose abortion. Once we understand their crisis, we can go down the list of options and assure them that we will be there for them every step of the way - throughout the pregnancy and beyond.

Practical Protection . . . More than half of all the tests we do come back negative. Most sexually active young people don't realize that there are 25 common sexually transmitted diseases, and there are 15 million new STD infections in the U.S.A. every year. We encourage them to save sex until marriage. They are presented with the truth in love, along with practical ways to guard their hearts in the future and protect themselves from physical harm. Sex is only SAFE once couples are joined together in Holy Matrimony.

Visit the Lifeline Crisis Pregnancy Center website.

Lifeline Crisis Pregnancy Center
1447 W. Grand Ave.
Grover Beach, Ca. 93433