Cheryl Brodersen:

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  • Bible Studies & Books
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  • Cheryl was born the youngest daughter of Pastor Chuck and Kay Smith. At a very young age, her father instilled in her a love for Biblical truth, as he would tuck her into bed each night with prayer and an exciting Bible story. According to Cheryl, her mother was the person who infused her with a passion and enthusiasm for the promises and exhortations of Scripture.
    (View Cheryl's website, Gracious Words here.)

    "Mom filled the house with the promises of God. She used to pay me a quarter for every Bible verse I committed to memory. This was even better than losing a tooth, which only brought in a nickel!" Her mother was a prayer warrior.

    Cheryl remembers a turning point in her life when she overheard her mom interceding for her. "I heard my mom as if in conversation in her room. I peeked in her room to see who she was speaking with, and there she was on her knees talking to Jesus about me. To this day, the memory of her faithful prayers still brings me to tears."

    Another powerful influence in Cheryl's life was her mother's older sister, Aunt “EC.” This godly aunt had been a missionary and a Bible teacher for over forty years by the time Cheryl was born. Aunt EC modeled the Biblical realities with such joy and authenticity that Cheryl was captivated. "I used to feel that when EC prayed, the angels of heaven would swing the doors open to the Holy of Holies and God would welcome her with a huge smile. Her prayers were that real and powerful. You could sense the pleasure of God in her life."

    Although Cheryl grew up in a godly home, she experienced a two-year personal crisis of faith her senior year of high school and first year of college. Introduced to intellectualism, and stumbled by an emotional upheaval, she almost surrendered her faith. "I remember being alone in my room and literally contemplating resigning myself from the Christian faith. At that time, various secular poets were influencing me. As I began to write in my journal about the wonder of man's accomplishments and genius, my thoughts took a different turn. Suddenly, I started outlining all the destructive things that man's wisdom has led to. I wrote about atom bombs, smog, guns, and such. Suddenly, I felt a presence enter the room." Cheryl describes this as the time Jesus presented Himself to her and asked, "What will you do with Me?" It was at this time that Cheryl made a full surrender of her life to Jesus Christ.

    Almost two years later Cheryl met her soul mate and the man who would become the love of her life, Brian Brodersen. They met at a small home Bible study in Huntington Harbor, California. Cheryl recalls a handsome young man cornering her. "He had an infectious love for Jesus. As we spoke about the Lord, I kept saying to him, "Wow! You love Jesus like I love Jesus!" As she talked to Brian, another young woman came and took possession of Brian's hand. Cheryl quickly backed away. Driving home in the car she commented to her girlfriends about her encounter with Brian, remarking that he was exactly the type of young man she would like to marry. Two weeks later at church, Brian informed Cheryl that the girl who had grasped his hand that night was NOT his girlfriend. He also asked Cheryl on what would be the first of many dates. Their dates would consist of long walks, heart to heart talks about the Bible, Mexican restaurants, and Bible studies at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. On May 23, 1980, Cheryl and Brian were wed by her father at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. A year later God graced Brian and Cheryl with their first child, a beautiful girl whom they named Kristyn. Three more siblings would later join Kristyn: including brother Char, sister Kelsey, and finally brother Braden.

    In 1983, Brian and Cheryl moved to Vista, California, where Brian assumed the pastorate of a small Calvary Chapel. Within four years, the little church was bursting at the seams. It was at Calvary Chapel Vista in 1983 that Cheryl first began to minister to woman on a weekly basis, teaching through the Bible. Before this time, Cheryl's teaching experience had been limited to Sunday school and student-teaching through a university program. Cheryl loved exploring Biblical truths and then communicating those truths to the women at Vista.

    The women's study, like the church, grew. It wasn't long until they needed a new facility to house the burgeoning flock entrusted to them by God. Cheryl has precious memories of her time in Vista. "I am not sure who learned the greater lessons. I know that I taught the women through various books of the Bible, but they taught me such love, grace, and acceptance." Some of Cheryl's most treasured friendships were formed during her thirteen years serving beside her husband in Vista.

    In 1996, Brian and Cheryl moved to London, England, with their four children. There Brian established a Calvary Chapel in Westminster, London, just down the street from Buckingham Palace. On the first Sunday at Calvary Chapel Westminster, there were only eight people in attendance beyond Brian and Cheryl's own family. However, God was faithful to add daily to the fellowship in London an assembly of precious sinners made saints by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    In London Cheryl home-schooled her four children, taught two weekly women's Bible studies, hosted many visitors to her home, and ministered in the children's ministry.

    In the year 2000, at the request of Cheryl's father, Brian and Cheryl, with their family and a new son-in-law, returned to California to have Brian transition into the pastorate of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Cheryl currently oversees the Joyful Life women's Bible study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. She also hosts a weekly podcast called “Women Worth Knowing,” highlighting women from all walks of life, past and present, and the lives they led for the Lord. Cheryl is also a frequent speaker at women’s retreats and conferences around the world. She has written several books with Harvest House Publishers. It is her joy and privilege to minister biblical truths to women of all ages. Brian and Cheryl have four grown children and six grandchildren, including five grandsons and one granddaughter.

    Cheryl has been ministering for over twenty-six years as a retreat speaker, conference speaker, Bible teacher, mother, and wife. It is her joy and privilege to minister Biblical truths to women of all ages.

    "What I think I enjoy most about ministering to women is watching the transforming power of God's Word upon their lives." Cheryl continues to teach the Bible weekly at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and can be heard on many radio stations worldwide.

    Read more from Cheryl at her website: Gracious Words.

    Note from Sharon:
    Cheryl Brodersen wife of Brian Brodersen Associate Pastor to Chuck Smith, daughter of Chuck and Kay Smith, Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California. Being raised in a spirit filled home with Kay and Chuck it's no wonder that Cheryl has become the woman she is today.

    As a mother of four, Cheryl and Brian moved to Vista, California in 1983 where Brian became the pastor of a Calvary Chapel church. That is where Cheryl first began regular women's ministry. 13 years later they moved to England to plant a Calvary Chapel church there. Cheryl home-schooled her four children, did children's ministry, taught two weekly women's Bible studies and hosted many visitors.

    In 2000 they returned to help at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, where Cheryl took over the reins of leading and teaching the word on the Joyful Life Ministry her mother Kay started several years ago. Cheryl teaches weekly at CC Costa Mesa and can be heard on many radio stations around the world.

    Listen to Cheryl's teachings and read her books, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart.
    Sharon McVey Rude

    Bible Studies by Cheryl Brodersen

    Qualified By Christ, A Study through the Book of Colossians

    Jesus in the House
    PROVOKED TO FAITH: MATTHEW 15:21-28; MARK 7:24-30
    ONE THING!: Luke 10:38-42
    THE FRAGRANCE OF WORSHIP Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; and John 12:1-8
    HOUSE OF HAPPINESS John 13:1-17
    JESUS BRINGS OUT THE WORST IN PEOPLE Matthew 26:57–68; Mark 14:53–65; Luke 22: 54, 63–71; and John 18:12, 19–24
    THE GREATEST REVERSAL OF FORTUNES! Luke 24:13–47 and John 20:19–29

    Elijah and Elisha, A Passion For God


    Letters to Lead, Live and Love by - A study through the books of 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon


    Women Worth Knowing:
    A podcast hosted by author & Bible teacher Cheryl Brodersen and author Robin Jones Gunn!

    Mabel Francis, Part 2
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Mabel Francis, Part 1 Mabel was born in Massachusetts in 1880. Her father and all her uncles were pastors. She gave her life to Jesus when she was seven. At a Christian camp, as a young teen, she volunteered her life to Jesus to go wherever He would send her. The answer she received was Japan! Mabel went to Japan in 1909 and spent the next fifty-five years sharing the gospel and seeking to meet the spiritual needs of the people in Japan. She chose to remain in Japan during World War II even though it meant that she would be sent to prison. After the war ended, she remained in Japan helping rebuild the spiritual life of the people there. Her story is one of love, faith, and God’s abiding presence.
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Agnes Weston Agnes Weston was born in Bath, England forty years after Jane Austen’s death. In Agnes’ day, Bath still retained the elegance, class, and social status that it had held during the time of Jane Austen’s writing of the book, Persuasion. Agnes was born into a wealthy family, but eschewed her parents’ ardent Christian faith until she met a young minister who listened to her objections with patience and spoke to her about a personal faith in Jesus Christ, devoid of hypocrisy. When Agnes received Jesus, she did so wholeheartedly and the result was a life dedicated to Christian service on behalf of the Royal Navy. Her exploits for a woman of her time were novel and profound. Listen in to hear how God led her from atheism into a life of devoted, joyous service to Jesus. .
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Emmeline Stuart There was only one source of information we could find about Dr. Stuart, and that was from Wikipedia. We stumbled on Dr. Stuart in our research on Mary Bird (1859-1914) who was a missionary in Persia. Dr. Emmeline Stuart was the female doctor who was sent to relieve Mary of her medical responsibilities. Dr. Stuart was committed to the cause of the gospel. Though she was a skilled surgeon and doctor, her first concern was for the spiritual well-being of the women in Persia. Though the information on Dr. Emmeline Stuart is scant, what we learned is both inspiring and stunning.
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Isabella Bird Bishop, Part 3
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Isabella Bird Bishop, Part 2
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Isabella Bird Bishop, Part 1 Born in 1831 in England, Isabella Bird lived in a time and culture when it was considered unfashionable for a woman to travel alone, let alone go on explorations. Though Isabel was a tiny woman and suffered all her life with bad health, she became one of the foremost explorers and travel writers of her day! She was the first white woman to climb Mauna Loa in Hawaii, survey the Rockies of Colorado, travel the interior of Japan, sail up the Yangtze River in China,and scale the Himalayas, among other firsts. Not only did this intrepid traveler accomplish all these feats, but she also documented them with her pen and paper. Join us as we discuss the extraordinary life and adventures of this valiant, fearless Christian woman.
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Mary Bird, Part 2
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Mary Bird, Part 1 Mary Rebecca Bird was the first single missionary to be sent to Persia by the CMS (Church Missionary Society). She was born in 1859, and from the young age of five, she pledged her life to the service of God in a foreign land. At thirty-two years old, she moved to Persia and ministered to the medical, physical, and spiritual needs of children, wives, and young women. She was often confronted with danger and death threats, but by the grace of God, Mary persevered and never experienced any harm. Prepare to fall in love with this intrepid, loving, humble, and grace-filled adventurer for Jesus!
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Lindy Boone, Part 2
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Lindy Boone, Part 1 What an honor it is to have Lindy Boone with us in studio today. Lindy grew up in a family of singers. Her father, Pat Boone, often took his family on tour with him. Lindy and her three sisters recorded several Christian albums as The Boone Girls, including their Grammy Award-nominated First Class.
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Check out more Women Worth Knowing from Cheryl by clicking here.

    Gracious Words
    A weekly broadcast featuring the Bible teaching of Cheryl from her Joyful Life women’s study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

    What is a Blessing? Part 1 | Genesis 49-50
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Pilgrimage Part 3 | Genesis 46-48
    Listen to the podcast here.
    Pilgrimage Part 2 | Genesis 46-48
    Listen to the podcast here.
    Pilgrimage Part 1 | Genesis 46-48
    Listen to the podcast here.

    The Great Reveal Part 3 | Genesis 44-45
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Great Reveal Part 2 | Genesis 44-45
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Great Reveal Part 1 | Genesis 44-45
    Listen to the podcast here.

    The Vantage Point of Deliverance Part 3 | Genesis 39-41
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Vantage Point of Deliverance Part 2 | Genesis 39-41
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Vantage Point of Deliverance Part 1 | Genesis 42-43
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Learning to Cultivate the Presence of God Part 3 | Genesis 39-41
    Listen to the podcast here.
    Learning to Cultivate the Presence of God Part 2 | Genesis 39-41
    Listen to the podcast here.
    Learning to Cultivate the Presence of God Part 1 | Genesis 39-41
    Listen to the podcast here.

    The Process of Sanctification Part 2 | Genesis 36-38
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Process of Sanctification Part 1 | Genesis 36-38
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Back to Bethel Part 3 | Genesis 33-35
    Listen to the podcast here.
    Back to Bethel Part 2 | Genesis 33-35
    Listen to the podcast here.
    Back to Bethel Part 1 | Genesis 33-35
    Listen to the podcast here.

    The Way Forward Part 3 | Genesis 31-32
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Way Forward Part 2 | Genesis 31-32
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Way Forward Part 1 | Genesis 31-32
    Listen to the podcast here.

    A Tale of Two Sisters Part 3 | Genesis 29-30
    Listen to the podcast here.
    A Tale of Two Sisters Part 2 | Genesis 29-30
    Listen to the podcast here.
    A Tale of Two Sisters Part 1 | Genesis 29-30
    Listen to the podcast here.

    The Blessing Part 3 | Genesis 27-28
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Blessing Part 2 | Genesis 27-28
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Blessing Part 1 | Genesis 27-28
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Discerning the Will of God Part 3 | Genesis 25-26
    Listen to the podcast here.
    Discerning the Will of God Part 2 | Genesis 25-26
    Listen to the podcast here.
    Discerning the Will of God Part 1 | Genesis 25-26
    Listen to the podcast here.

    The Good Will of God Part 2 | Genesis 24
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Good Will of God Part 1 | Genesis 24
    Listen to the podcast here.

    All the Promises of God Part 3 | Genesis 22-23
    Listen to the podcast here.
    All the Promises of God Part 2 | Genesis 22-23
    Listen to the podcast here.
    All the Promises of God Part 1 | Genesis 22-23
    Listen to the podcast here.

    God's Unfailing Word! Part 2 | Genesis 20-21
    Listen to the podcast here.
    God's Unfailing Word! Part 1 | Genesis 20-21
    Listen to the podcast here.

    The Power of Intercession Part 3
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Power of Intercession Part 2
    Listen to the podcast here.
    The Power of Intercession Part 1
    Listen to the podcast here.

    Check out more Gracious Words podcasts from Cheryl by clicking here.



    The Gospel of John, Life in His Name


    Songs of Christmas


    The Habakkuk Challenge - Jasmine Alnutt, Cheryl Brodersen, Angie Emma

    The Habakkuk Challenge, Introduction | Habakkuk Booklet
    The Habakkuk Challenge, Lesson 1 | Habakkuk Booklet
    The Habakkuk Challenge, Lesson 2 | Habakkuk Booklet
    The Habakkuk Challenge, Lesson 3 | Habakkuk Booklet

    The Easter Challenge - Jasmine Alnutt, Cheryl Brodersen, Angie Emma

    Week of Prayer

    The Jonah Challenge
    JONAH CHALLENGE, LESSON 1 | Jonah Booklet
    JONAH CHALLENGE, LESSON 2 | Jonah Booklet
    JONAH CHALLENGE, LESSON 3 | Jonah Booklet
    JONAH CHALLENGE, LESSON 4 | Jonah Booklet
    JONAH CHALLENGE, LESSON 5 | Jonah Booklet
    JONAH CHALLENGE, LESSON 6 | Jonah Booklet

    Christmas From the Heart
    Introduction | Find all Christmas From the Heart content and downloads
    Have You Ever Been Disappointed By Christmas?

    The Phillipians Challenge, a devotional study through the book of Philipians
    The Philipians Challenge Week 1 | Workbook
    The Philipians Challenge Week 2 | Workbook
    The Philipians Challenge Week 3 | Workbook
    The Philipians Challenge Week 4 | Workbook
    The Philipians Challenge Week 5 | Workbook
    The Philipians Challenge Week 6 | Workbook
    The Philipians Challenge Week 7 | Workbook
    The Philipians Challenge Week 8 | Workbook

    The Mark Challenge, a Devotional through the Book of Mark
    The Mark Challenge Intro | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Prepare Your Heart | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Unlocking the Power of God | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - The Lord of the Sabbath | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Understanding the Mysteries of God Through Parables | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Faith Over Fear | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Jesus's Presence Overcomes Every Deficit | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Transforming Suffering Into Glory | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Eyewitnesses Of His Majestry | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - The Paradoxes Of The Kingdom Of God | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Jesus: Man of Authority | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Know The Word of God and His Power| Notes
    The Mark Challenge - Watch and Pray! | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - It is Finished! | Notes
    The Mark Challenge - He is Risen! | Notes

    Our Great Creator - A Study through the book of Genesis
    Introduction to Genesis
    A God You Can Trust - Genesis 1-2 | Notes
    The Big Lie! - Genesis 3-5 | Notes
    The Judgement of God and Grace of God - Genesis 6-8 | Notes
    What's In a Name - Genesis 9-11 | Notes
    It Begins With A Call - Genesis 12-14 | Notes
    More Precious than Gold that Perishes - Genesis 15-17 | Notes
    The Power of Intercession - Genesis 18-19 | Notes
    God's Unfailing Word! - Genesis 20-21 | Notes
    All the Promises of God - Genesis 22-23 | Notes
    The Good Will of God - Genesis 24 | Notes
    Discerning the Will of God - Genesis 25-26 | Notes
    The Blessing - Genesis 27-28 | Notes
    A Tale of Two Sisters - Genesis 29-30 | Notes
    The Way Forward - Genesis 31-32 | Notes
    Back to Bethel - Genesis 33-35 | Notes
    The Process of Sanctification - Genesis 36-38 | Notes
    Learning to Cultivate the Presence of God - Genesis 39-41 | Notes
    The Vantage Point of Deliverance- Genesis 42-43 | Notes
    The Great Reveal - Genesis 44-45 | Notes
    Pilgrimage - Genesis 46-48 | Notes
    What is a Blessing? - Genesis 49-50 | Notes

    A Woman's Battle for Grace
    Chapters 1-3
    Chapters 4-6
    Chapters 7-9
    Chapters 10-12

    Our Great Faith - A Study Through the Book of Hebrews
    Lesson 1 - Hebrews 1 - Introduction to Our Great Faith | Notes
    Lesson 2 - Hebrews 2 | Notes
    Lesson 3 - Hebrews 3 - Jesus is God | Notes
    Lesson 4 - Hebrews 4 - Four Reasons for Rest | Notes
    Lesson 5 - Hebrews 5 - The Main Problem With Dullness | Notes
    Lesson 6 - Hebrews 6 - Insecurity Due to Immaturity or Maturity Brings Security | Notes
    Lesson 7 - Hebrews 7:1–17 | Notes
    Lesson 8 - Hebrews 7:18-28 - Our Incorruptible High Priest | Notes
    Lesson 9 - Hebrews 8 - Such a High Priest | Notes
    Lesson 10 - Hebrews 9:1-14 - Not a Blind Faith | Notes
    Lesson 11 - Hebrews 9:15–28 - Belittle Our Sins | Notes
    Lesson 12 - Hebrews 10:1–18 - The Importance of Blood | Notes
    Lesson 13 - Hebrews 10:19–39 - The Will of the Lord is Good | Notes
    Lesson 14 - Hebrews 11:1-7 - The Power of the New Covenant | Notes
    Lesson 15 - Hebrews 11:8–22 - Not a Blind Faith | Notes
    Lesson 16 - Hebrews 11:23–40 - The Cost, Crucible, and Crown of Faith | Notes
    Lesson 17 - Hebrews 12:1–13 - The Faith Marathon | Notes
    Lesson 18 - Hebrews 12:14–29 - The New Covenant Life | Notes
    Lesson 19 - Hebrews 13 | Notes

    Possessing the Promises - A Study Through the Book of Joshua
    Lesson 1 - Intro to Possessing Promises | Notes
    Lesson 2 - Background to Joshua | Notes
    Lesson 3 - Are You Prepared? | Notes
    Lesson 4 - Faith into Action | Notes
    Lesson 5 - He Who Began a Good Work in You | Notes
    Lesson 6 - Remembering the Promises | Notes
    Lesson 7 - A Holy Pause | Notes
    Lesson 8 - Impediment to the Promise! | Notes
    Lesson 9 - The Cause, Cost, and Cure for Defeat! | Notes
    Lesson 10 - The Do Over | Notes
    Lesson 11 - The Covenant of Grace | Notes
    Lesson 12 - Our God Fights for Us | Notes
    Lesson 13 - Inventory of God’s Grace | Notes
    Lesson 14 - Waiting on the Promises of God | Notes
    Lesson 15 - Pursuing the Promises | Notes
    Lesson 16 - The Faithfulness of God | Notes
    Lesson 17 - The Great Misunderstanding | Notes
    Lesson 18 - The Treasury of Faith | Notes
    Lesson 19 - Remember | Notes

    Easter Study
    From the CrossNotes

    Jesus Magnified - Lessons in Luke
    Lesson 1 - Introduction to Luke
    Lesson 2 - How to Recieve God’s Word | Notes
    Lesson 3 - The Treasury of the Heart - Luke 2 | Notes
    Lesson 4 - The Way of Resistance - Luke 3&4 | Notes
    Lesson 5 - Under the Authority of God’s Word - Luke 5 | Notes
    Lesson 6 - New Law for a New People - Luke 6 | Notes
    Lesson 7 - The Right Expectation - Luke 7 | Notes
    Lesson 8 - How You Hear - Luke 8 | Notes
    Lesson 9 - Jesus Meets the Need - Luke 9 | Notes
    Lesson 10 - Four Practices and Priorities of Power - Luke 10 | Notes
    Lesson 11 - Radiant Life - Luke 11&12 | Notes
    Lesson 12a - The Ultimate Cure For Anxiety - Luke 13 | Notes
    Lesson 12b - The Kingdom of God - Luke 13 | Notes
    Lesson 13 - Scandalous Grace - Luke 14&15 | Notes
    Lesson 14 - Living With an Eternal Perspective - Luke 16&17 | Notes
    Lesson 15 - Four Aspects of Faith - Luke 18 | Notes
    Lesson 16 - Seize the Day - Luke 19 | Notes
    Lesson 17 - Jesus Is the Answer - Luke 20 | Notes
    Lesson 18 - Divine Opportunist - Luke 21 | Notes
    Lesson 19 - The New Covenant - Luke 22 | Notes
    Lesson 20 - What Will You Do With Jesus? - Luke 23 | Notes
    Lesson 21 - The School of Discipleship - Luke 24 | Notes
    Opened - Luke 24

    Yet Will I Rejoice
    Intro to Habakkuk
    Wrestling With God
    Worshipping God

    Romans - The Good News of the Gospel
    9/25/15 - Lesson 1 | Notes
    10/2/15 - Lesson 2 | Notes
    10/9/15 - Lesson 3 | Notes
    10/16/15 - Lesson 4 | Notes
    10/30/15 - Lesson 5 | Notes
    11/6/15 - Lesson 6 | Notes
    11/13/15 - Lesson 7 | Notes
    11/20/15 - Lesson 8 | Notes
    1/8/16 - Lesson 9 | Notes
    1/15/16 - Lesson 10 | Notes
    1/29/16 - Lesson 11 | Notes
    2/12/16 - Lesson 12 | Notes
    2/19/16 - Lesson 13 | Notes
    2/26/16 - Lesson 14 | Notes
    3/11/16 - Lesson 15 | Notes
    3/18/16 - Easter Study | Notes
    4/8/16 - Lesson 16 | Notes
    4/15/16 - Lesson 17 | Notes
    4/22/16 - Lesson 18 | Notes
    4/29/16 - Lesson 19 | Notes
    5/6/16 - Romans Review | Notes

    Good News Of The Gospel: Romans Workbook
    The Gospel of Romans is a treasure trove of truth for every believer. Within this wondrous epistle, there are keys to Christian Truths of Salvation, grace, faith, and justification. These truths will establish you in Jesus Christ.

    Martin Luther, the well-known reformation leader, wrote, Romans is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul. It can never be read or pondered too much, and the more is dealt with the more precious it becomes, and the better it tastes. Even as God transformed Martin Luther through the study of Romans, so God desires to transform your life as you study the Good News of Jesus Christ! This Bibles study workbook contains twenty lessons to guide you in your understanding of the key doctrines of our glorious faith, the riches of God's grace, and the profound and transforming promises found in the Gospel of Romans. This workbook was designed for individual study, one on one discipleship, as well as group women's Bible study.

    Order the DVD

    Lineage of the King
    Lesson 1 | Abraham | Notes
    Lesson 2 | Abraham - Isaac | Notes
    Lesson 3 | Issac - Jacob | Notes
    Lesson 4 | Jacob - Judah - Perez | Notes
    Lesson 5 | Perez - Salmon & Rahab | Notes
    Lesson 6 | Salmon - Jesse | Notes
    Lesson 7 | Jesse - David | Notes
    Lesson 8 | Jesse | Notes
    Lesson 9 | Rehoboam - Abijah | Notes
    Lesson 10 | Asa | Notes
    Lesson 11 | Jehoshaphat | Notes
    Lesson 12 | Jehoram - Uzziah - Jotham - Ahaz | Notes
    Lesson 13 | Hezekiah | Video | Notes
    Lesson 14 | Menasseh - Amon | Video | Notes
    Lesson 15 | Amon - Josiah | Video | Notes
    Lesson 16 | Josaih - Zerubbabel | Video | Notes
    Lesson 17 | Zerubbabel - Joseph | Video | Notes
    Lesson 18 | Jacob - Mary | Video | Notes

    Work of the Spirit - A Study Through Acts
    Chapter 1 | Notes | Way of Revival
    Chapter 2 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 3 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 4 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 5 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 6 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 7 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 8 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 9 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 10 | Notes | Work of the Spirit
    Chapter 11 & 12 | Notes | The Way to Handle Opposition
    Chapter 13 | Notes | The Importance of Being Called
    Chapter 14 | Notes | Holy Boldness
    Chapter 15 | Notes | Danger in the Church
    Chapter 16 | Notes | When Things Appear to Go Wrong
    Chapter 17 | Notes | Unintimidated!
    Chapter 18 | Notes | When We All Work Together
    Chapter 19 | Notes | Wearing the Right Clothing
    Chapter 20 | Notes | Into God's Keeping
    Chapter 21&22 | Notes | The Power of Grace
    Chapter 23&24 | Notes | Be of Good Cheer
    Chapter 25&26 | Notes | A Greater Perspective
    Chapter 27 Notes
    Chapter 28 | Notes | Faith

    Work of the Spirit: Acts Workbook
    Do you desire to be a greater witness for Jesus? Do you sometimes feel spiritually anemic? Then the empowering of the Spirit is exactly what you need! Luke, the author of the book of Acts, recorded the plight of the disciples before the Holy Spirit.
    Order the workbook.

    Summer Study
    Jochebed | Guest Speaker
    The Woman Caught in Adultery | Guest Speaker
    Sarah | Guest Speaker
    Priscilla | Guest Speaker

    Ephesians Chapter 1:1-2 | Notes | Introduction
    Ephesians 1:3–14 | Notes | God's Trophies
    Ephesians 1:15-23 | Notes | Victim or Victor
    Ephesians 2:1-10 | Notes | From Rags to Riches
    Ephesians 2:11-22 | Notes |He is Our Peace
    Ephesians 3:1–13 | Notes | Excitement Over the Call
    Ephesians 3:14–21 | Notes |The Reason for Prayer
    Ephesians 4:1–16 | Notes | The Worthy Walk
    Ephesians 4:17–32 | Notes | Renewed in Spirit
    Ephesians 5:1–14 | Notes | Children of Our Father
    Ephesians 5:15-21 | Notes | Victory in Evil Days
    Ephesians 5:22-6:9 | Notes | Spirit Filled Relationships
    Ephesians 6:10-24 | Notes | Gear Up!
    Review Notes

    Note from Sharon:
    Studying with Cheryl is unique and inspiring, I've been logging on to her teaching on the book of Revelation, She not only shares with humor but with personal experiences bringing Gods word home with a direct hit to our hearts and minds. I personally have been blessed by these studies, sitting in front of my computer soaking in Gods word in the early morning is just the way to start my day.

    It's very clear to me why Cheryl is such an inspirational teacher, Cheryl loves her Savior, she wants to share this with us in hopes that you will fall in love with Him also.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ

    Revelation of Jesus Christ Workbook

    Tsunamis, earthquakes, revolutions, nuclear and economic meltdowns, and moral corruption: What is the world coming to? The Revelation of Jesus Christ answers this question as it reveals God’s plan for the future of the world.

    Jesus promises great blessings to those who read, hear, and keep those things written in the book of Revelation. As we know Jesus in His fullness, we will be filled with hope and enabled to help others prepare for the events that will soon transpire.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ workbook contains twenty lessons to be used along with the DVD/MP3 set of Cheryl Brodersen’s messages taught at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

    Purchase DVD set here
    Purchase Workbook here

    Blessing God | Chapter 1:3
    The Revelation of Jesus Christ | Chapter 1:1-3
    Jesus as He Is | Chapter 1:4-20
    I Know | Chapter 2:1-7
    While You Were Sleeping | Chapter 2:18-3:6
    The Reversals of Fortunes | Chapter 3:7-22
    A Glimpse of Heaven | Chapter 4
    He Has Prevailed | Chapter 5
    Judge Not | Chapter 6-7
    The Path of Prayer | Chapter 8-9
    Are You Prepared? | Chapter 10-11
    Overcoming Power | Chapter 12
    The Patience of the Saints | Chapter 13
    Last Call | Chapter 14
    The Holy Judgement of God | Chapter 15-16
    Who is Your Leader? | Chapter 17
    Come Out of Her My People | Chapter 18
    Don't Lose Your Joy | Chapter 19
    The End of Satan | Chapter 20
    God's Glorious Plan | Chapter 21
    Eternal Blessings | Chapter 22


    Introduction to Galatians | Notes
    The Power of the Gospel | Notes
    Fear Can be a Strong Force | Notes
    The Superiority of Faith | Notes
    Which Covenant Are You In? | Notes
    If There's A Mailbox in Heaven: A Child's Gift From Above | Notes
    The Fruit of the Spirit | Notes
    We Have Come to Worship Him
    Be Encouraged
    The Attitude of the Spirit

    Pass it On
    Grace for David in Troubling Times
    David in Distress
    Treasured Joy
    The New Thing
    David As A Young Man
    David on the Run
    Daivd Did Not Give Up
    David's Mighty Men
    Faith Or Fear

    Note from Sharon:
    Women in David's Life
    The analogy of a rose, I love this comparison, a rose has to be crushed before the fragrance comes forth. Sounds harsh, not so though, haven't we all held a rose... becoming lost in the deep aroma, it takes us to a different place if just for the moment, this is just what our Father wants to do for us but not for a moment but eternity. The process is designed to build our strength, Satan's goal is to crush our confidence therefore stealing our faith, if we lose our faith Satan has won a victory against God. When the Holy Spirit is working in our lives He is building our confidence many times through trials we least expect.

    Cheryl's study on the Women in David's Life opens the door to understanding our place in the lives of our husbands, our importance as a mother, most of all where we are as Godly women in our Father's Heart - and the road that takes us there.

    Women In David's Life
    David's Conquest
    David's Acts of Mercy
    David's Sin
    Trouble In David's House
    The Life of Jonathan
    Life of Saul
    Holy Calling
    Barrenness to Blessedness
    After God's Heart
    For Love's Sake
    The More Earnest Heed
    It Is High Time
    Looking Unto Jesus
    The Book of Ruth
    The Book of Ruth 2
    The Gift


    Be an Example
    Be an Example to the Believer
    Be an Example to the Believers in Word
    Be an Example to the Believers in Conduct
    Be an Example to the Believers in Love
    Be an Example to the Believers in Spirit | Andrea Yim
    Be an Example to the Believers in Faith | Robin Lewis
    Wow, How, Now | Kathy Gilbert


    Note from Sharon:
    In listening to Cheryl's study on Eve I have a visual picture in my mind of God presenting Eve to Adam. This is the first time He actually presented any of His creations, our God creating another human being, a woman to be loved, respected and protected by man.

    Cheryl points out that Satan has waged a war against women, his goal is to destroy our self worth in Jesus, he has us looking to the world as our confidence builder.

    I'm guilty of my first conscious feelings that I wouldn't be in this sinful world if Eve hadn't sinned. It's easy to say it's all her fault, with no responsibly on my part. I'm wrong! Satan's been after us from the beginning of creation.

    God was very pleased when He created Eve; remember Jesus spent a lot of time with women during His brief time here on earth, I believe one of His reasons was to show that culture how important women were to Him and the Father.

    Cheryl's study will reach into your hearts and minds, you'll come away with a new prospective on your personal importance to our King, you are Royal in His eyes.


    All About Eve - Part 1 | Cheryl Brodersen
    All About Eve - Part 2 | Cheryl Brodersen
    All About Eve - Part 3 | Cheryl Brodersen
    All About Eve - Part 4 | Cheryl Brodersen
    All About Eve - Part 5 | Cheryl Brodersen



    Marriage | Pastor Brian and Cheryl Brodersen
    You are Loved | Cheryl Brodersen
    Finding Your Identity in Christ | Cheryl Brodersen
    What is Your Name? | Cheryl Brodersen
    Finding Your Purpose in Christ | Cheryl Brodersen
    What is Your Call? | Cheryl Brodersen


    Against All Odds

    Against All Odds - Workbook

    The Against All Odds Bible study covers Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Praise, prayer, and promises are some of the exciting results of this dramatic in-depth study of these historical Old Testament books.

    See how God rebuilt the temple, restored the wall, and redeemed His people in this drama of redemption.

    God desires to rebuild, restore, and redeem you as He did the Jews. You may be experiencing disappointment and discouragement, facing ruthless and relentless opposition and oppression, and finding ruins and rubble where you hoped for salvation and security.

    God will victoriously overcome these obstacles in your life even as He did centuries ago. Come and experience the glory of what only God can do!

    Purchase here

    The Books of Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther

    Introduction to Ezra
    Jeremiah 29:11 | Cheryl Brodersen
    God Works According to His Word
    Ezra 1-1 | Cheryl Brodersen
    It Starts With An Altar
    Ezra 3 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Why Does God Allow It?
    Ezra 4-5 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Prosperity Through The Word
    Ezra 6 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Portrait of Faith
    Ezra 7-8 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Possibilities With Prayer
    Ezra 9-10 | Cheryl Brodersen
    A Time to Mourn
    Nehemiah 1 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Hand of God
    Nehemiah 2 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Arise and Build
    Nehemiah 3-4 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Reason for Respect
    Nehemiah 5 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Fear God or Man
    Nehemiah 6-7 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Importance of Understanding
    Nehemiah 8 | Cheryl Brodersen
    God's Manifold Mercies
    Nehemiah 9 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Power of Thanksgiving
    Nehemiah 10-12 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Nehemiah 13 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Keeping Power of God
    Esther 1-2 | Cheryl Brodersen
    God Sets Limits On Evil
    Esther 3-4 | Cheryl Brodersen
    When God Writes the Story
    Esther 5-7 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Opposite Occurred
    Esther 8-10 | Cheryl Brodersen


    Dare to Be a Daniel - DVD: Women’s Bible Studies in the books of Daniel and Haggai - by Cheryl Brodersen

    16 Messages in DVD and MP3 Format

    Join Cheryl Brodersen as she shares deep insights in the books of Daniel and Haggai. These 16 messages are in DVD format and include a MP3 disc that contains the audio messages and accompanying homework lessons that can be printed from your computer.

    These Joyful Life Bible studies will:
    • Teach women to be relentless in prayer: how to keep it simple and to keep it coming
    • Show how prophecy prepares us for the future and to live now for eternity
    • Develop a faith that covers the mouth of fear: whether it’s in the furnace, the lion’s den, or returning from captivity

    Purchase here

    Dare to be a Daniel

    The Books of Daniel & Haggai

    Introduction To Daniel | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 1 - Put Jesus First | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 2:1-23 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 2:24-49 - Keep Your Light Bright | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 3 - Fiery Trials | Notes | Cindy Blackamore
    Daniel 4 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 5 - The Writing On The Wall | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 6 - From Fear To Faith | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 7 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 8 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 9 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 10 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Daniel 11-12 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Introduction To Haggai | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Haggai 1 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Haggai 2 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen


    The God of All Comfort

    The Book of 2nd Corinthians

    God of All Comfort - DVD w/MP3

    Find the grace and glory of God even through affliction, rejection, adversity, and trials

    These things do not disqualify us from experiencing God’s power, but rather enable us to receive it in its fullness. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Paul’s life exemplified and magnified these truths as seen in his second letter to the Corinthian believers.

    Join Cheryl Brodersen as she shares deep insights from the book of Second Corinthians. These 21 messages are in DVD format and include an MP3 disc that contains the audio messages and accompanying homework lessons, printable from your computer.

    Purchase here

    Introduction To 2 Corinthians
    Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    God's School Of Ministry
    2 Corinthians 1:1-11 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Delayed Promises
    2 Corinthians 1:12-24 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Unforgiveness Is A Dangerous Thing
    2 Corinthians 2:1-11 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Give God Control
    2 Corinthians 2:12-17 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Misrepresentations Of God
    2 Corinthians 3:1-6 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Glory Of God
    2 Corinthians 3:7-18 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Light Of The Gospel
    2 Corinthians 4:1-6 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Treasure In Us
    2 Corinthians 4:7-18 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Consolation, Confidence, and Conviction
    2 Corinthians 5:1-10 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Ministry Of Reconciliation
    2 Corinthians 5:11-21 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Beauty Of Grace
    2 Corinthians 6 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Promises Of God
    2 Corinthians 7 | Notes | Cindy Blackamore
    Giving: A Testimony Of Grace
    2 Corinthians 8 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    How To Give | 2 Corinthians 9 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Authority Of God | 2 Corinthians 10 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    False Apostles | 2 Corinthians 11:1-15 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Qualifications Of An Apostle | 2 Corinthians 11:16-33 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    No Unanswered Prayer | 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Give Credit To God | 2 Corinthians 12:11-29 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Examine Yourself | 2 Corinthians 13 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen


    Abide in the Vine

    The Book of John

    Abide in the Vine - DVD w/MP3

    The Abide in the Vine is a women's Bible study in the gospel of John. God has exciting things in store for each of us as we take an in-depth look at the life and ministry of Jesus. In these distressing times of economic insecurity, moral decay, and the proliferation of terror, it is essential that we consider Jesus. John affords us the opportunity to do just that in this firsthand account of the things Jesus said and did.

    This inspired study in John is sure to expand your knowledge of Jesus and encourage you to greater faith and love for the Lord.

    This set includes 21 Messages by Cheryl Brodersen

    Also includes a bonus MP3 of all the messages, and a sample PDF of the Abide in the Vine Workbook

    Purchase DVD set here
    Purchase Workbook here

    Greatness, Grace, and Gift of Jesus
    John 1:1-18 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Great Invitation
    John 1:19-51 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Two Invitations
    John 2 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Spiritual Birth
    John 3 | Cheryl Brodersen
    No Substitutes
    John 4 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Would You Be Made Whole?
    John 5 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Don't Fear Deficits
    John 6 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Rivers of Flowing Water
    John 7 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Ultimate Paternity Test
    John 8 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Receiving True Sight
    John 9 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Abundant Life of Jesus' Sheep
    John 10 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Lazarus Come Forth
    John 11 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls
    John 12 | Cheryl Brodersen
    You Need Your Feet Washed
    John 13 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Cure for a Troubled Heart
    John 14 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Abiding: The Secret of Christian Victory
    John 15 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Trials Survival | John 16 | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Intercession of Jesus | John 17 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Great Is Thy Faithfulness | John 18-19 | Cheryl Brodersen
    Lessons from the Risen Christ | John 20 | Cheryl Brodersen
    It Is the Lord! | John 21 | Cheryl Brodersen


    Faith Under Fire

    The Books of 1st Peter and Jude

    Faith Under Fire - DVD

    Join Cheryl Brodersen as she shares with women in the Joyful Life Bible Study deep insights into the books of 1 Peter and Jude.

    These 19 messages are in DVD format.

    Also included is an audio MP3 disc that contains all the messages and the downloadable homework lessons that can be used with Cheryl’s teaching.

    These in-depth Bible studies will:
    • Awaken us from dullness to the glory of our salvation
    • Teach us the truth about trials

    Purchase here

    Introduction to 1 Peter
    Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    1 Peter Overview
    Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Power of Resurrection
    1 Peter 1:1–5 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    1 Peter 1:6–12 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    New Thoughts
    1 Peter 1:7–25 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Oh, Give Thanks
    1 Peter 2:1–8 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    The Purpose of Life
    1 Peter 2:9–17 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Don't Try This Without Jesus
    1 Peter 2:18–25 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Instructions for Marriage
    1 Peter 3:1–7 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Call to be a Blessing
    1 Peter 3:8–12 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Identify With Jesus
    1 Peter 3:13–22 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Fortify Your Mind
    1 Peter 4:1–6 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Be Women of Prayer, Agape, & the Word | 1 Peter 4:7–11 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Taunted by the Devil | 1 Peter 4:12–19 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Our Chief Shephers | 1 Peter 5:1–7 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Spiritual Warfare | 1 Peter 5:8–14 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Contend for the Faith | Jude 1–7 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Danger of Contentious Contenders | Jude 8–19 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen
    Jude: Book of Contrast | Jude 20–25 | Notes | Cheryl Brodersen

    Living Grace

    Cheryl interviews women to discuss their lives, ministries, and testimonies of God's Living Grace.

    LIVING GRACE: Jill Bates: Struggling with Forgiveness?

    On this episode of “Living Grace,” guest Jill Bates shares her personal journey in understanding the power to forgive. Jill both challenges and encourages us to press through those hurts and remember that all things are truly possible with God. Jill presents advice, including a willingness to forgive, realization of our own need, personal connection to God (prayer), and more that will lead to God-given benefits in forgiveness.

    LIVING GRACE: Jila Adel: Muslim, Jesus, & the Great Commission

    Guest Jila Adel addresses the joy of the Lord, the Muslim religion, and the Great Commission on this episode of “Living Grace,” as Jila recalls from Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”.

    LIVING GRACE: Nancy Anderson: Adultery, Restoration, & Dealing with Discontentment

    We’ve all experienced “Greener Grass Syndrome,” where we think something on the other side of our situation will make us happy. Guest Nancy Anderson shares her story of how her Christian marriage turned upside down when unhappiness turned to a willful affair. But as we read in John 8, Jesus acted in grace, mercy, and forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery from that account. Watch as Nancy explains the amazing resolution and lesson she has learned when facing the “Greener Grass Syndrome!” Nancy’s book, Avoiding Greener Grass Syndrome, is available on multiple outlets for purchase.

    LIVING GRACE: Andreea Hogan: Does God Actually Hear Me?

    Praying and seeking God may sometimes appear pointless, quite honestly. Does God truly abide by His word in Matthew 7:7? Don’t miss this amazing testimony of guest Andreea Hogan’s marriage and family as God has proven He was listening to her prayers all along, time and again!

    LIVING GRACE: Kelly Bell: Ministry in Your Backyard

    Some of us believe that “missions” work only happens in a far off location and in a different cultural context. Guest Kelly Bell reminds us that God can provide mission opportunities right where we are. Kelly tells of her experience with Calvary Murrieta’s outreach to victims of human trafficking. She shares unique stories, signs to look for in victims, ways you can be involved & more! Visit

    LIVING GRACE: Debby Rettino: The Psalty Story

    Enjoy this special edition of “Living Grace” as Debby Rettino, cofounder of Psalty’s Kids, shares what led to the creation of Psalty and reveals what audience she and her husband were secretly targeting. You will not want to miss it!

    LIVING GRACE: Miray Jaksa: An Unexpected Mission Field

    Miray Jaksa: An Unexpected Mission Field By Cheryl Brodersen September 20, 2019 As we begin a new season of “Living Grace,” host Cheryl Brodersen invites guest Miray Jaksa to share about her unexpected mission field through parenting her lovely daughter with special needs. Although there are rough seasons, Miray shares about the beautiful moments of ministry, friendship and HOPE that God has poured out through this experience. If you wish to learn more about Hope Outreach Ministry, visit

    LIVING GRACE: Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Living in God’s Providence

    Welcome to a new season of “Living Grace”! We are excited to launch this season with guest Nancy DeMoss Wulgemuth. As Nancy articulates, God is writing your story. Be encouraged that not only does God write your story, but He will also RIGHT your story. He will guide you through the good and the bad, with the hope of eternity (John 14:3). God’s providence in your life is sure and steady. Check out Nancy’s story through her new book, “You Can Trust God to Write Your Story,” co-written with her husband, Robert Wulgemuth, and follow Nancy through!


    How can we support each other as women? How do we reach and minister to women? Host Cheryl Brodersen breaks down different aspects of women’s ministry with guests Joy Welsh of Calvary Refuge and her daughter, Bethany Wilson. Joy and Bethany remind us the key that will not only encourage others but ourselves in the process! Visit to learn more about "Heart2Heart" Women's Ministry with Joy Welsh & Bethany Wilson!


    On this episode of “Living Grace” with host Cheryl Brodersen, guest Meka Buffington shares her experience raising a special needs child. Meka emphasizes the point that God is good through any circumstance and expounds on witnessing many divine opportunities through caring for her tenderhearted and sweet son, who was diagnosed with autism as a child.


    What does it mean to be “renewed day by day”? From examining grief and loss to daily struggles with insecurity, social media and image, guest Cathe Laurie, married to Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship, and host Cheryl Brodersen discuss being renewed day by day through God’s grace and power! To learn more about Virtue Women’s Ministry, visit


    Guest Inga-Lill Guzik discusses transitions in ministry leadership with host Cheryl Brodersen, as they both share similar experiences of the senior pastor’s wife role. No matter how extensive the ministry is or how much it is growing, our ministries belong to the Lord, and we must always remember to lead as a steward. Inga-Lill and Cheryl exchange advice about making those transitions in ministry on this episode of “Living Grace”!


    Depression and mental illness may be considered a challenging topic for believers. Kay Warren joins host Cheryl Brodersen in this discussion about seeking God in the midst of a loved one's mental illness. Kay presents an open and raw exposition of her journey for joy and God’s goodness. If you wish to seek further understanding of mental illness, visit Saddleback Church’s Mental Health Ministry. Kay has written several books. Check out all her available resources at


    Are we in the “here” and “now”? Are we embracing life moment by moment? Kate Merrick has just written a new book titled, “Here. Now: Unearthing Peace and Presence in an Overconnected World,” that is available now for purchase throughout all available platforms! Kate Merrick, married to Britt Merrick of Reality Church, and author of “And Still She Laughs” and “Here, Now,” discusses the purpose of practicing presence with host Cheryl Brodersen that you will not want to miss! “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).


    What does unity in my local church look like on a practical level? What steps can I take toward unity as part of my local church and community?

    We are so happy to hear from host Cheryl Brodersen, with guests Vicki Bentley and Annie Stone, as they tackle this topic and share practical approaches to facilitate unity!

    “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!” – Psalm 133:1


    Welcome back to a new season of “Living Grace!” We pray that you will be blessed by stories, testimonies and encouragement from women who seek to live out grace every day!

    Do you ignore your God-given gifts? We can all go through the internal battles of insecurity, loss of identity and remembering who we are. Host Cheryl Brodersen discusses the need and use for our god-given talents within the Church with guest Shannon Quintana.

    They share raw and encouraging examples of how we can overcome moments of doubt, fear and flesh to fulfill God’s calling and use those gifts He has granted to us.

    Enjoy this episode of “Living Grace” as guest Sher Pai shares on how satisfying, significant and substantial a relationship with Jesus is.

    Through a simple friendship with her neighbor years ago, Sher met Jesus and never looked back. She realized very quickly how important and fulfilling it is to have times of fellowship to talk about Jesus. She now leads women's Bible studies, speaks at retreats and events, and has a website dedicated toward women's ministry.

    Visit for more info! If you are unsure of your worth, know that you are so valued by Christ. He wants you and desires to use you in mighty ways!

    On this special edition of “Living Grace,” I discuss the topic of women in ministry with guests Angie Emma and Laura Jackson.

    Can women minister in the church? What is the place of ministry for women? We each share thoughts in response to these questions and seek to point other ladies toward how God values them and wishes to use them in unique ways.

    Has God ever given you a promise, and yet it seems like it will never come to pass? Guest Raeleen Higgins discusses promises from the Lord on this episode of “Living Grace."

    She encourages us to hold fast to those promises through prayer and time in the Word, knowing that as we surrender to Him, "The Lord will guide you always..." (Isaiah 58:11). Prayer is powerful, and Raeleen shares amazing stories about a prayer group she is involved with that you will not want to miss!

    Enjoy this episode of “Living Grace” as guest Vicki Finley discusses reluctant leadership. Vicki explains how her relationship with the Lord was strained by fears, insecurities and lack of trust until her husband brought a puppy home one day.

    Through her experience of training and raising their dog, Vicki received multiple epiphanies that correlated to her relationship with the Lord. Vicki tells fun stories about her dog that include spiritual insight as well. Are we reluctant to rest in the Lord in what He is walking us through right now? Trust Him as Isaiah 30:18 describes. You can read Vicki’s whole story and dog analogy titled “Walking Right Here” via her website at

    Often, as Christ followers, we fall into the belief that we must always have our lives together. Yet this is not so!On this episode of “Living Grace,” Michelle Taylor shares the experiences she has gone through as a believer and the struggles she has faced spiritually.

    Michelle & host Cheryl Brodersen expound on the fact that until we are shaken, we will never be stable. Be encouraged that God surely uses struggles to draw us closer to Him and turns them into blessings for His glory. Michelle closes with testimonies of God’s grace and blessings that have happened in her life!

    On this episode of “Living Grace,” Amy Lefotu, daughter of Pastor Wayne Taylor, shares her testimony.

    Although she grew up in the best of circumstances with godly, loving parents and influence, she chose to follow her rebellious heart that ultimately led to same-sex relationships until she surrendered to the Lord.

    She encourages believers to continue to pray and love those who may be struggling, lifting them up to Jesus. Amy and her husband have formed a rap duo and travel sharing their music and story. For more information, visit

    On this special edition of “Living Grace,” Hannah Overton returns and gives an update on the ministry that has grown from her testimony and experiences of being wrongly accused and sentenced to life in prison.

    From her grief and pain, Hannah has seen God’s amazing peace and forgiveness work through her to start a Bible study in prison that has grown to a flourishing ministry called Syndeo Ministries, reaching women in prison. To learn more information and how you can be involved, visit

    On this episode of “Living Grace,” Nicole Williams provides insight toward Christian women who are raising families and simultaneously employed. Currently working as a flight attendant, Nicole unpacks and shares her experience, from God speaking to her through this job opportunity, to facing work drama that so often occurs. If you are in the work force or contemplating entering a job, watch and listen to Nicole’s godly advice!

    Enjoy this new episode of "Living Grace" as Jayne Sylvester joins us and shares her heart for worship and music.

    Through her experiences, Jayne speaks on the need to remember how God has given each of us a priceless gift & calling to use for His glory. Jayne closes by performing an original song that you can view through her social media platforms via Instagram, Facebook and Youtube!

    On this latest edition of "Living Grace," host Cheryl Brodersen talks with Sarah Bard, daughter of Dave and Nancy Sylvester of Calvary Chapel York.

    Through their discussion, Sarah provides lessons the Lord has shown her through relationships, whether through friendship, marriage, family and more, as they prove our main dependence on Jesus.

    We are excited to kick off a new season of “Living Grace” with Nancy Sylvester in the studio, sharing about gaining a fresh perspective from the Lord and choosing her thoughts wisely.

    Having been led by the Lord to minister in York, England, Nancy and her husband Dave’s life became a flourishing, but hectic schedule of full-time ministry and housing a Bible college on campus. After experiencing physical ailments Nancy was forced to rest, during which the Lord gave her a fresh perspective. Be encouraged to stop and rest in the Lord, remembering that as we seek Him first, He promises to take care of the rest (Matthew 6:33).

    I hope you enjoy this episode of “Living Grace” as guest Fern Nicholas shares about the origin of Mom's in Prayer International an organization of moms, grandmas, aunts etc. who gather in groups representing schools from across the US and abroad to pray. 

    Fern shares the four principles used as a format from the Lord's Prayer during this hour of prayer: praise, confession, thanksgiving and intercession. Moms in Prayer welcomes all women to come and pray, and encourages them to come freely, knowing that there is no condemnation, but a time totally devoted to Jesus in lifting up each school represented. 

    If you would like to join the nearest Mom's in Prayer international group or would like to start a new group, visit And enjoy Fern’s book, “Mom’s Little Book of Powerful Prayers” that provides an attribute of the Lord, scripture, and prayer for your child throughout the year.

    What does homeschool education and a heart for missions have in common? Guest Danielle Overholt shares how God led her to make the decision to homeschool her children, and how that foundation was used to open opportunities to share the gospel in another country.

    While there are many misconceptions of homeschool education, Danielle presents a clear explanation to better understand the dynamics of homeschooling and the private school programs offered, including the PSP she directs through Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

    If you are interested in learning more, you can find detailed information at

    Coming from a traditional and religious background, to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, is the story Kathy Keys shares on this episode of “Living Grace.” Kathy was raised in her family’s country of Ireland and was immersed in the Catholic lifestyle and culture in the southern part of Ireland. She gives her testimony and shares that, although her background was one of religion and duty, Jesus was able to meet her and her family, in which they became immersed in a relationship with Jesus. If you have a similar background and have been struggling with religion or watching loved ones struggle, know today that you can have a relationship with Jesus who sacrificed His life on the cross to bear your struggles and give a life of freedom from religion and duty, to a life in Him.

    This is the age of comfort. This is also, ironically, the age of addiction, where it may not be drugs or alcohol, but food disorders or prescription drug addictions. Host Cheryl Brodersen interviews Cathy Rich who co-leads One Step to Freedom with her husband, Mark Rich.

    One Step to Freedom is a ministry that seeks to be available to anyone who desires to be restored from their addiction. Cathy shares that while other rehab programs use the 12-step process, the key is to be restored through the power of Jesus coming into our hearts and changing us from the inside-out. We pray you are blessed by this message of hope and restoration on this episode of “Living Grace."

    Do you feel useless in your position? Have you lost faith of God using you in ministry? Guest Theresa Howard talks about her experiences of God orchestrating unique connections that has opened many doors of full-time ministry.

    Theresa shares that she went from being a college student to traveling to Hungary and staying full time to serve in ministry. On this episode of "Living Grace," she reveals the key to being used by the Lord and closes with a super encouraging message for those of us who may be currently stuck in a monotonous job or seemingly monotonous lifestyle. 

    Prayer is such a vital element to success and victory in a dark and perverse world. As the culture around us becomes more pervasive in its depravity, is it possible to raise godly children through this next generation?

    Teri Neumann and I sat down and discussed how the key is PRAYER, allowing the Holy Sprit to work through you during those hard moments of disciplining and discipling your children. Parents, remember to stay strong and remember the promise in Isaiah 59:21, "...My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants' descendants..."

    We have all experienced moments of being led astray from our walks with the Lord, but on this episode of "Living Grace," host Cheryl Brodersen discusses the prodigal experience with mother-daughter duo, Teri Camp and April O'Brien.

    April shares her testimony of being a prodigal and walking away from her Christian influence at home. As April and Teri share their perspectives in this experience, they both give encouragement to never give up on prodigals and to keep asking, keep seeking and keep believing that the Lord has His mighty hand in that situation.

    God desires to fulfill dreams He has placed on your heart. Host Cheryl Brodersen talks with guest Romy Godding on how God miraculously called, led and fulfilled a calling and dream in Romy’s heart.

    After receiving the Lord, Romy felt a strong desire to be in ministry and serve as a missionary in England. Enjoy this episode as Romy shares that even through seasons of suffering, God is faithful to walk us through those hard times and still fulfill His promises. As it says in Joshua, “Be strong and courageous” for the Lord will not leave you nor forsake you & will fulfill the dreams He has spoken to you.

    I got to sit down and talk with Terri Fischer, who shares how even through a path of suffering, God will open doors that no one can shut.

    Trials are certainly not planned, but God is faithful to guide us through the often loneliness and pain we feel in trials, especially when it is relational.

    Terri emphasizes, 'Forgiveness doesn't always mean reconciliation, in fact, it can't. Sometimes forgiveness means backing off." Be encouraged today that if you are facing a similar trial in a relationship or marriage, know that God is with you and has your future in His hands!

    We are excited for season four of "Living Grace" as host Cheryl Brodersen discusses the inception of Calvary Chapel with guests Terri and Sharon Fischer.

    Sharon has written a book titled, "I Remember: The Birth of Calvary Chapel," and the ladies recount the events and stirrings from the Holy Spirit that led to the beginning of the movement and Chuck Smith transitioning as the pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa."

    Enjoy detailed stories of how God used ordinary people to bring about this movement in the 60s. While the decade may have been labeled a violent and confusing time in the U.S., God used it for revival, and He certainly can start another revival today. As Pastor Chuck would say, "It’s not about the outward; it’s about the inward."

    On this episode of "Living Grace," Cheryl Brodersen and Vicki Bentley, wife of Pastor Ray Bentley of Maranatha Chapel, discuss the importance of encouraging the next generation.

    As Vicki points out, this generation has reached the highest percentage of depression and suicide rates. They need to be reminded of the hope that is eternal and alive through Jesus Christ. Both Vicki and Cheryl express the need to not impart fear into the next generation, as the world has become more chaotic, but to instill faith in them as, "The Word continually tells us to go farther than we think we can, because God can do the impossible."

    On this episode of "Living Grace," Cheryl Brodersen interviews Candice Beckelman, who shares her story of redemption. After accepting the Lord during the hippie movement, Candice began to base her life on Jesus. Through the trial of divorce, Candice realized the importance and power of God’s word. As she grew in the Lord and relied more and more on Him, she met her husband Bill through ministry. After fasting and praying, they both realized God’s will for them to be married and be used by Him. Today, Bill leads Calvary Chapel Coastlands in New Jersey, and together, they serve the community. No matter what situation you are facing, lean upon the Lord and His Word and seek His will. He will guide you as He promises in Proverbs 3:5-6.

    Is it worth remaining in God’s will, wherever He may lead you? Dianna Kottman, wife of Pastor Matt Kottman, addresses this question on this episode of "Living Grace." Dianna shares how God miraculously led her and Matt from Oregon, to Austria, to the UK, where they have lived for many years, leading Disciples Church (Calvary Chapel Leatherhead).

    Within the last few years, God began stirring up thoughts of moving on in both Matt and Dianna. She gives a powerful testimony of how that happened and where it has led them today. We all have a specific calling from the Lord, and we need to ask ourselves if we are remaining in His will. As Ephesians 3:30 states, God has His best waiting for us if we choose to wait on and follow Him.

    On this episode of "Living Grace," we hear from missionary Celeste Yolcom, who has served in Eastern Europe for over 20 years. Celeste's life has been an example of surrender and trust in the Lord. God established her in a ministry to young girls in Siberia and Russia, orchestrated events to meet her husband, Mark, through Calvary Chapel's Missions Conferences, and established them in Kosovo. As their lives continued, Celeste began to feel constant pain in her body. After landing a doctor's appointment, Celeste was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer that had spread to her lungs. 

    Any would justifiably despair with this news, but Celeste heard directly from the Lord that this was another moment to trust Him. Would she choose to become bitter or better? Celeste was determined to trust the Lord and have a heart of peace. He has not failed to see her through. Celeste has been in remission for the last two and a half years!

    God is good, and He will sustain His people through any danger or trial, as nothing can break us until our time is complete on earth. Are you struggling to trust the Lord? Is He calling you to a place or a situation that you are afraid to step into? Are you facing hard times? Be encouraged to trust the Lord. (Romans 8:28; Proverbs 3:5,6) Celeste's life embodies God's faithfulness, and she would wish for all to trust Him as well.

    On this episode of "Living Grace," Cheryl Brodersen discusses homosexual and transgender behaviors with founder of Coming Out Again ministry, Kris Olsen. This is a very present issue in the world today, as so many struggle with gender identity and seek to find their purpose or fulfillment in any way.

    Kris shares that often with this struggle, as many other issues are, it is a matter of the will and the freedom to make choices. Only through accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior and being born again in Him, can any sinful tendencies be healed.

    Coming Out Again is a program that helps those who may struggle with same sex attraction and seeks to be available to listen and point them toward Jesus. To find out more about Coming Out Again, visit

    On this episode of "Living Grace," Jeanne Willette shares with Cheryl Brodersen about a new ministry called Limitless. This ministry has been created for families with special needs children. Parents oftentimes feel so overwhelmed and alone, since it is hard for people to understand the situation and relate.

    Jeanne explains that Limitless seeks to provide support, prayer and resources for these families. She emphasizes prayer to fight against any spiritual warfare and conflict, but Jeanne reminds us that the name of Jesus breaks through every chain. There are no bounds or "limits" on Jesus, which is the inspiration of the ministry's name. 

    Limitless is in the process of preparing a room at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for special needs children, so parents can drop their children off in a safe environment while they enjoy the church services in the Main Sanctuary. If you are a parent of a special needs child or know someone who would be interested in Limitless, visit, contact the church office at Calvary Chapel Cost Mesa (714) 979-4422 or contact Jeanne at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    On this episode of "Living Grace," Cheryl Brodersen is joined by mom and daughter duo, Stacy and Megan Callender.Both Stacy and Megan discuss how the passion for Jesus has remained from generation to generation. The key is prayer!

    Simply by displaying a love for the Lord through reading His Word in front of your kids, praying with them, for them and teaching them about the Lord will bring such a strong impact. Stacy and Megan are testaments of that.

    Stacy heads a prayer group called Moms in Prayer where multiple moms come together to prayer for their kids in school. If you have children in school and would like more information, visit

    On this episode of "Living Grace," I interview Shannon Forsythe who started a ministry with her husband called Run 2 Rescue. This is a powerful ministry that reaches young girls who are stuck in sex trafficking to provide a way out. Shannon shares stories that prove the power of Christ over the intense lifestyle these girls lead. She also shares necessary information on the current plight of sex trafficking in Southern California, and how these young girls, and sometimes young boys, are drawn into that world more often than kidnapped. “The darkness is real, but God is greater,” Shannon proclaims, and she finishes by sharing the real battle is spiritual and in the mind. If you would like to learn more or support Run 2 Rescue, visit

    On this episode of Living Grace, Cheryl Brodersen interviews the lovely Molly Kelley, who has taught high school English as well as a Bible class for high school girls and speaks at women's ministry events and conferences around California.

    Molly has known her share of challenges and trials as she has battled the autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, for several years that affects her daily responsibilities tremendously.

    Molly and Cheryl discuss the topic of suffering, emphasizing trials that are invisible to everyone else, those "private crosses." Mental warfare, spiritual attacks and physical weakness prey on the believer in the midst of a trial. Molly shares how Jesus pulled her through the darkest moments of her suffering and has transformed her identity from being only "Molly" to an identity of being established in His "grace" for herself and others.

    We are so excited to kick off season three of Living Grace! Enjoy this episode as Cheryl Brodersen interviews Celeste Bowers, author of If There's a Mailbox in Heaven. 

    Celeste shares the powerful story of her daughter, Christina, who was an absolute joy and lover of Jesus. Christina was diagnosed with a rare cancer and passed away in 2005, but the impact she left has been astounding.

    The book focuses less on the cancer itself and more on Christina's witness and powerful engagement she had with people all around her. Christina has been such an example to us, as she would say, "It's not about me. It's about Christ working through me. "Celeste shares that, through this journey, she and Christina made a deal to not say, "Why me," but, "Use me, Lord."

    You don't want to miss this! Check out If There's a Mailbox in Heaven to learn more!

    Enjoy this episode of Living Grace as I interview Cathy Taylor, wife of Pastor Wayne Taylor of Calvary Fellowship!

    Cathy shares about coming to a point of despair in a trial she has faced, and how tempted she was to doubt God's love. Yet God so faithfully reassured Cathy of His love for her. And God not only healed her, but He also gave her strength to share the gospel to unsaved family members, who were dealing with illness as well. The depths of God's love are far greater than we can ever imagine.

    The question is, do you believe it?

    On this episode of Living Grace, I talk with speaker, pastor's wife & author, Joanna Weaver, on her experiences as a writer, how God called her to write, and how He has used these experiences as a platform in her life to grow deeper in love with Him. Through life's ups and downs, Joanna shares how trusting God through the process, whether it is obeying the Lord's calling, dealing with conflict, feeling like a failure, etc.,

    Joanna has learned how faithful God is to guide us despite the circumstances. Joanna provides some "behind-the-scene" stories during the journey of writing her books, including Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, Having a Mary Spirit and more! For further details about Joanna's books, visit her website:

    On this episode of Living Grace, I was able to sit with Kate Merrick and discuss her new book, And Still She Laughs: Defiant Joy in the Depths of Suffering.Kate opens up about the process of writing her new book after years of silence due to the loss of her daughter from cancer, but Kate explains how God used this season to bring revelations that have ministered to Kate so much.

    No matter how different our lives may be, we have all faced pain and suffering, and Kate brings a raw platform to truly encourage others in their suffering.

    Kate was also a recent speaker at the 2017 When Leaders Lead Conference in Murrieta, CA. Watch her workshop now!

    I am so excited to have Hannah Overton back for another episode on Living Grace as she shares further of being falsely accused, sentenced to prison and set free. Her story only begins there, as Hannah also shares many stories of God using her and the many opportunities she has had since then to minster to ladies in prison. Hannah's story truly represents God's promise in Romans 8:28:

    "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

    Be encouraged in that whatever you are going through today, never stop clinging to the Lord, as Hannah states in this episode, and keep moving forward!

    Visit for information and stay up to date with ways to help! To hear Hannah's full testimony you can watch her message from the 2017 When Leaders Lead Conference here:

    Do you doubt the power of God? Andrea Cullen shares about Remedy, the discipleship program that focuses on supporting and discipling women coming from abusive situations or addictions. Having dealt with abuse and addiction herself, Andrea's ability to both relate to the ladies and speak the Word to each one is truly a testament of God's power. No matter whether you have faced a similar situation of addiction or abuse, or whether you need support for loved ones in those situations, Remedy is available!

    Remedy meets on Tuesdays at 6pm at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in the Mother's Privacy Room next to the Family Room. Be encouraged by Andrea's testimony, and know that you can overcome through the power of Christ!

    Out of Brokenness & Into the Mission Field

    Celeste Yohai remembers sitting at work as a young adult, feeling depressed and hopeless. She recalls there were Christians that worked alongside her during that time and specifically remembers one Christian that was so kind to her. It was the kindness of the Lord through this believer that drew her to salvation.

    From being in a depressed state, to being called as a missionary to Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Celeste would not have believed this would be her life. Enjoy this episode of Living Grace as Celeste explains how God has used her gifts as a musician, ministering in Amsterdam and sharing the gospel in her community.

    It is amazing how plans can change so quickly. From being a 21-year-old, married to whom she thought would be forever, to being served divorce papers seven years later.

    Amber Adams shares her testimony of Romans 8:28 where God took her plans that had gone awry and turned those plans into something beautiful. Christ truly heals, and as we will see in this episode of Living Grace, Amber's plans turned into something even better!

    From Polycarp in the second century to Elizabeth Fry of the nineteenth century and Gladys Aylward of the twentieth century, many men and women have dedicated their lives to serve the Lord in inspiring  ways. Cheryl Brodersen discusses the impact of historical Christian missionaries, martyrs and activists  with Jasmine Alnutt, who teaches on church history, and the powerful messages they have left.

    Equally through their failures and triumphs, their stories remind us that it is about God using us despite our human frailty. Do you feel like your failures cancel any use the Lord may have for you? Do you desire to serve Him but are afraid that God might send you to a place you do not want to go? Be encouraged that God will use you according to the desires He has placed in your heart as He promises in Psalm 37:4. We only need to keep our focus on Him. 

    Sitting in one of the women's retreat sessions in Murrieta, CA, Dina Creanga heard the Lord tell her that He was calling her back to Romania as a missionary. After 30 years away from her homeland, God was sending Dena and her husband back. By listening to God's call, they witnessed His living grace as they saw every need taken care of for their transition.

    Do you feel a specific call on your life from the Lord? Have you been pushing His call away? Be encouraged by this testimony that God is in control of your life and has the best waiting for you. Let Him guide you towards His best plans for your life.

    To kick off Living Grace season two, I interviewed Kathy Gilbert! Kathy, who has had the pleasure of knowing, Kay Smith, Elisabeth Elliot and Arlita Winston, shares the impact each woman has made on her life under the context of her own testimony as a hippie in the late 60s and early 70s.

    Enjoy this encouragement from Kathy as she discusses the power of Jesus breaking through her life, not only upon receiving Him into her heart, but also continuously through her daily walk with Him.

    Cheryl interviews Marta Patten who is a missionary in Israel with her husband, Don. Together they have lived in several countries, sharing the Gospel and ministering to people across the globe. Although they have had to give up comfort many times to obey the call of God, their ministry, marriage and lives have been super blessed by simply listening to Him!

    Cheryl interviews Melinda Turansky and discusses the beauty in redemption as she recounts her childhood and raising her own children. No matter your own past, faith in Jesus brings amazing redemption and transformation. Melinda, along with her 3 kids, are joining her husband Josh to plant a church in Baltimore, Maryland. Be in prayer as they step out in faith into this endeavor God has directed them in!

    Cheryl interviews Pamela Lynn who talks about her family and more specifically, her marriage. She came from a background of love and compassion but soon found herself the wife of an assertive police officer with two small children, Pamela learned really quick to trust in the Lord. She and her husband have been in ministry for years and are now serving very faithfully at CCCM leading the Couples Fellowship.

    Cheryl interviews Laura Jackson who has been a faithful staff member at CCCM for many years. She’s a wife, mother and grandmother and has a passion for her family and serving the Lord with her many talents. In her interview today she shares her story about God’s work not only in her life but the lives of her family!

    Cheryl interviews Hannah and Julia Ostunio as they share about their own personal stories of God's faithfulness in their lives and how He's used them in different ministries and called them at a young age. Hannah works for the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Jr. High ministry and Julia has just come off the mission field in England.

    Cheryl interviews Angie Emma. Angie shares about serving in women’s ministry and how the Lord uses our gifts and leads us to where He wants us by simply being available.

    Cheryl interviews Pamela Steed. Pamela is an amazing woman of God with an incredible testimony of His faithfulness in her life and in her relationships.

    Cheryl interviews Beverly Voechting. Beverly shares on her marriage before her and husband Gary invited Jesus to be the center of their relationship, and what God has done since.

    Cheryl interviews Hannah Overton who was convicted of capital murder and sent to a maximum security prison for life without the possibility of parole for a crime she didn't commit.

    Cheryl interviews Linda Thompson and Marsha Elliott, as they discuss their ministry of prayer.